Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update (November – December, 2020)
December 29 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/29/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 1
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 80
- Total resident deaths: 10
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 85
- Residents
Let’s put the “New” in New Year!
We have had 1 new resident testing positive this reporting period in the Living Wisdom Center. It is very unfortunate as it was a new resident who was completing his mandatory admission quarantine period. He contracted it from a private agency who was charged with his care. No less disappointing, but happy the quarantine worked, the households were not affected and our Hubbard team is still intact! And just to clarify, we do post every day in the work week, unless an event or occurrence warrants a real time post on the weekend. We take a needed holiday break! 😊
Well friends, this is the moment we have longed for…a NEW YEAR! 2021 is upon us and I share the team’s best wishes for the most peaceful and hopeful 2021! And we have good reason(s) to have hope in the new year!
Yes, I too wanted to shed this year as quickly as possible. But I don’t think I have an abundance of years to “write off”. 😊 They are all valuable, meaningful, and purpose filled years. Happy and tragic. 2020 was no exception. For me, it ended up being one of the greatest learning periods of my life. Learning so much about myself, team, life, hope, fear, faith, and belief in the human condition. People did not disappoint this year. And that’s what it’s all about.
At every turn this year, you have heard me share stories of strength, courage, forgiveness, love, and all things which are certainly pleasing to our Lord. So, I cannot in good conscience be relieved or simply wish away 2020-it had incredible value and allowed amazing growth to occur.
So, I have hope. Hope that we will persevere to the successful completion of this COVID-19 trial. I not only have hope-I have confidence based upon 2020. Will there be more challenges before it’s all over? Yes, but together, bonded by a year indelibly burned into our memories, I know we can do anything! God has ben with us, you have been with us, and I feel good about 2021 and all its prospects. And so, let’s bein. I can’t wait to keep walking alongside you.
I wanted to end with evidence of hope!
We have CONFIRMATION of the January 7th vaccination date! We will be administering the vaccine next Thursday for all staff and residents. Responsible parties will receive calls from Hubbard staff regarding consent by Thursday afternoon.
We were notified that CVS will be on campus on the 7th, and will begin at 11:00 a.m. We will be administering the vaccine in resident’s rooms until we finish at 5:00 p.m. Again, the vaccine will be the Moderna vaccine, similar to Pfizer. We will have 423 doses on hand so we will have enough for everyone!
The Moderna vaccine requires 4 weeks between the first dose and second and we will be administering the second dose on February 4th. We have contingencies in place for those who may have missed the January 7th vaccine.
We know there continues to be some who may be unsure. We understand that. We know from our conversations there are many reasons people may have doubts or are unsure. During this period, we will do our absolute best to mitigate the fear and doubt we know exists. At the end of the day, it is a personal choice.
A prevalent concern is how quickly the vaccine came to market. Yes, it was fast tracked, but not at the expense of total clinical protocol compliance. Another common concern unanswered questions about the vaccine itself. Questions we don’t have all the answers for today, but we will get them as soon as they are available. We owe that to you.
Throughout this COVID-19 journey, we held ourselves accountable to be honest and transparent with you every step of the way and we remain committed to this. We are walking along side you as citizens of the world with some of the same fears and feelings. We understand that accurate information will help mitigate these fears and will be sharing more important information in our daily posts. We want to provide you all the information possible to help you make the decision which is right for you!
Our podcast is up on our website! Please check out this episode; “COVID-19 impacts to date”
Debbie Carriveau speaks about all things COVID and what people should know about evolutionary changes which have occurred over time.
Lastly, I leave you with gratitude and deep affection from the entire Hubbard Family. Thank you for supporting us so fully in 2020 and I look forward to embracing 2021 with you all! 😉 See you next year! Patrick
“I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.”
John 13:34-35
December 29 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/28/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 10
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 85
- Residents
I should be talking about patience…😉
So, yesterday I spoke with you about fear. Always a good reminder. I also believe in God’s time, not mine. Well, God’s time presented itself today!! On two levels:
- We again had NO COVID-19 cases as of midnight last night! But we cannot rest on our laurels and will continue to hunker down in anticipation of post-holiday impacts.
- WE HAVE A DATE!! YES! We have a fairly solid date of Thursday, January
7th for us to receive our vaccines at Hubbard! Praise the
Lord! Here’s what we know today:
- January 7th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for staff and residents.
- You may have already received a call from our nursing staff regarding your approval to receive the vaccine. If not yet, you can expect a call.
- We will have CVS technicians here to assist our staff administering the vaccine. At this time, we believe it will be the Moderna vaccine.
- Rest assured our staff is running hard to prepare for this huge undertaking.
- There are a lot of moving parts to this and we will have more information tomorrow and will be confirming more details.
- As we have experienced in the past weeks, what appears to be firm can change quickly. The difference now is we at least have a date on the calendar which we have not had before!!
Our podcast is up on our website! Please check out this episode; “COVID-19 impacts to date”
Debbie Carriveau speaks about all things COVID and what people should know about evolutionary changes which have occurred over time.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6
December 28, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/27/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 10
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 85
- Residents
What is it about fear?
I hope all of you had a blessed, joyful and peace filled Christmas! How delightful to focus singularly on the magnificent gift of the birth of Jesus -and nothing else. No phones, no crisis, no distractions and NO COVID!! We did not have one positive case over the entire Christmas holiday! What a testament that“God is with us”.
This brings me to a thought I cannot shake. Of all the hardships we have tackled in this pandemic, there still those dangling fears we can’t seem to shake? We receive a clean COVID-19 report, allow a moment’s joy, and the fear creeps in, wondering how we can sustain this? What happens if? “What if” is inherently not in God’s promises to us. Regardless of what comes our way, we know He is with us and that we “are more than conquerors”.
What if the vaccine doesn’t arrive soon enough? What if a large portion of our population opts not to get vaccinated? Fear creeps up on us when we least expect it. Masks, washing hands, social distancing-why isn’t everyone doing it? These fears and concerns are natural, but we truly have no control of any of these dynamics. But we know who does.
We are so grateful to have a vaccine but the fact that after this many weeks, we have no delivery schedule is very frustrating to us all, I’m sure!! I’m sure you’ve heard on the news deliveries across the country are running behind. Why? Where are they? What about our loved ones at Hubbard!! I just want you to know we share your questions and concerns and we will get this information to you as soon as is available to us. Till that moment, we choose Faith over fear. He will calm the storms in our minds and hearts if we turn our eyes to Him.
AND the return of our PODCASTS! After a long hiatus due to the outbreak, our PODCASTS have kicked off our first episode of 2021! It is being posted soon so look in the coming few days! Find them at
We are preparing to enter a new year. And I am so much looking forward to talking about that! 😊
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Psalm 27:1
December 23, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/22/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 10
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 85
- Residents
To all friends of Hubbard Hill…one and all. This is unquestionably my favorite time of year to reach out to all of you. And never has it been more needed and heart felt. As these words from my heart hopefully touch yours, it bonds us together during this season of joy and the gift of Jesus Christ, our savior. As the cold winds blow outside, I am warmed and full of joy, even after the year we have nearly finished.
I’m sure all of us have experienced moments of darkness in life and sometimes don’t clearly see or feel the Lord’s presence. You may even ask, “Lord are you with us?” This past year has been one long and challenging walk through a dark valley but there were so many moments when it was so clear, He was with us. He never left us, that is certain. We would not be where we are today, COVID free, without Him.
Upon reflection of the past year, I thought I truly knew my staff well. The fact of the matter is, I did not fully know their depth of commitment and passion. I can say with certainty, not one of us who has answered this calling could ever have predicted our role in such a daunting undertaking. None among us had training in such a complex and unknown healthcare crisis. But you could not prove it by me! I saw firsthand God’s hand at work with our staff as they selflessly and compassionately gave of themselves again and again. I saw good work escalate to heroic work in the face of fear moment by moment. I witnessed comradery and love grow within each staff member for one another. And I can honestly say, “I am inspired by every member of this team” … it always chokes me up recalling the many beautiful acts of service I witnessed over the year. In the hearts and spirit of the Hubbard team, God was with us!
We felt the endless care and support from our incredibly warm, loving and gracious family members. The words of kindness, gifts of support, notes of encouragement, understanding and trust sustained our team this entire year. And for that, there are simply no words of gratitude that can convey how our hearts were touched and strengthened. In the hearts and spirit of our Hubbard Family, God was with us!
I am filled with such joy and gratitude for all our blessings. I am grateful for our board leadership who have been steady and supportive throughout the entire year. In your prayers and encouragement, we knew, God was with us!
So, on this evening before Christmas eve, I am grateful, joyful, and at peace knowing God is with us, has been with us, and continues to be with us. Thanks be to the Lord!
I know I speak for my entire team in wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas to you all! We count it a privilege to serve you and I truly look forward to forging into 2021 knowing we have been blessed with tools to help close this chapter. Onward to bigger and better things He has planned for us!
May the glory of our savior King grace your homes and families in this Christmas season and throughout the coming year. And may we all know, He is with us!
December 22, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/21/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 1
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 85
- Residents
We had one new positive staff case yesterday in dietary/dishwashing. The staff member was sent home and quarantined for 10 days. They were asymptomatic.
There is still no new news regarding vaccines. Perhaps over the Christmas holiday, we’ll get the good word! Christmas is coming, but It’s feeling an awful lot like “the check’s in the mail”!! 😊 I don’t know about you, but this winding down to Christmas can produce a lot of anxiety, “ wait, no, how could I forget…!!! I pray we all have the grace to slow our minds & our hearts to experience the miracle of Christmas!
Our dietary Christmas elves very hard at work getting homemade treats ready for our lucky residents! Thank you, team! Sweet dreams! I wonder why they didn’t ask me to help? 😊
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
December 21, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/20/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
I am getting that “it’s really Christmas feeling”. I am, dare I say, starting to feel a little more relaxed! (Well, kind of! 😉) I have no doubt the God of my understanding truly wants us to stop and treasure once again, the reason for the season. After the grind of the last several months , the miracle of the Christ child brings it all into perspective. It is now time to renew and refresh…and refocus on this miracle that truly changed all of human history. I hope you are all able to enjoy preparing for the holiday, even though it looks different for us all, it doesn’t change the important part. 😉
I wish we had more solid vaccine news, but the Moderna vaccine started shipping nationally today and front line workers and Long Term Care facilities remain the #1 priority. It could be next week, or not! We want you all to know that the Hubbard team will be embracing the vaccine and have confidence that it is safe and an essential part of effectively closing down this monster of a virus.
No new positive cases today is testament to the vigilance of every single person here at Hubbard. Staff and residents alike. Let’s lock arms and keep it going!!
Therefore the Lord himself
will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and
will call him Emmanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
December 18, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/17/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
And so, a week in the books!
Since we have the holidays in our hearts, we had all kinds of good today! The beauty shop reopened much to the enormous joy of our residents! (We know our priorities)
We are trying to provide all the relevant information you may want or need on the vaccine itself, and our supplier Moderna. Herding cats. That’s what getting details feels like, but we are taking steps towards finalization of the vaccination date. We want it as much as you do-trust me!
I know there remains a little trepidation regarding the vaccine. I want you to know you may ask all questions of me, our staff, and our resident experts to help mitigate any fears or uncertainty you may still have. It’s normal to feel this way. This is a BIG deal!! But as I’ve said before, the vaccine itself has been FULLY and completely tested among a huge group in clinical trials. Moderna is a class ‘A’ company and their reputation is impeccable.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said today with a large percentage of our population getting the vaccine, we could begin to enter an initial state of normalcy by July. Without a significant percentage of the population, we would not achieve necessary herd immunity and it will take longer.
I am sorry for the late delivery of this report, but we are working on something VERY SPECIAL for you in the next day or two. So, stay tuned to!! It will NOT disappoint! We also want to remind ourselves we are approaching the 4th Sunday of Advent, Peace. And may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this weekend and every day.
LAST CALL! 😊 If you would like to share your personal appreciation for staff members, please visit our website and click on Santa’s Chimney in the news section of the home page. This is a resident and family driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year. If you plan on donating, donations must be in by TODAY Friday, December 18th. Thank you for your generosity!!
O sweet Child of Bethlehem, grant that we may share with all our hearts in this profound mystery of Christmas. Put into the hearts of men and women this peace for which they sometimes seek so desperately and which you alone can give to them. Help them to know one another better, and to live as brothers and sisters, children of the same Father. Reveal to them also your beauty, holiness, and purity. Awaken in their hearts love and gratitude for your infinite goodness. Join them all together in your love. And give us your heavenly peace. Amen.
Prayer of Christmas Peace–Pope John XXIII
December 17, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/16/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
Good evening to you all! I hope your fingers are not cramped from an abundance of on-line Christmas shopping! But it’s still fun!
All is quiet at Hubbard this evening-especially when compared to the past months! And we welcome this peace with open arms. Well, it’s not totally quiet! A/L residents are still enjoying traveling around with joyfully greeting staff members and fellow residents (safely) with this new found measure of freedom restored!
We take our wins as they come. One day at a time and I for one am offering up praise to God the Father for the gift of these moments of peace. You don’t realize how valuable they are until they are stolen from you. Enjoy everyone! Put on some Christmas music and be in the moment!
LAST CALL! 😊 If you would like to share your personal appreciation for staff members, please visit our website and click on Santa’s Chimney in the news section of the home page. This is a resident and family driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year. If you plan on donating, donations must be in by TOMORROW Friday, December 18th. Thank you for your generosity!!
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
December 16, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/15/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
The image you see above is not arbitrary. It is a perfect representation of what has just occurred at Hubbard as we are now COVID-free!! No matter who you are, I hope you see yourself in this image because everyone had a hand climbing this mountain-and I mean everyone! If every single member of the Hubbard family had not played their part perfectly, we would never have climbed this mountain successfully…again!!
And so, thank you! Nursing staffs, dietary, environmental, board members, HR, customer experience, IT, residents, administrative, families, caregivers, A/L staff, therapy, CNA’s, wellness, spiritual leaders, LWC staff, suppliers, exec team, rehab, building services, finance, cooks, cleaners, gardeners, Healthcare staff, snow shovelers, drivers and anyone else I have forgotten, THANK YOU! We climbed this mountain together. Hubbard Strong! To be sure! And we receive our strength from One and only One…thank you Lord for this blessing and your strong hand guiding us through this storm. Your love is without end and we are blessed!
Having said that, we rest in our accomplishment today, and renew our vigilance tomorrow to keep us that way through the holidays and beyond. As I said yesterday, keep doing what you’re doing-it worked!! 😊
So wonderful to hear and see our long-lost friends and coworkers restoring laughter and voices in the hallways, faces, joy, activity, comradery, residents, and life TOGETHER. Residents are so filled with joy to be out of their rooms, looking at the Christmas decorations, seeing their friends, and getting some exercise!! All while social distancing and wearing masks!
Since announcing Moderna as the vaccine supplier for Hubbard Hill, I have received a few questions asking about Moderna-not a household word when you think of medicines. Well, we have done our due diligence on Moderna, and they are cutting edge, rock-solid, and innovative. Here are some quick factoids to help you see why this is a VERY GOOD THING!
- US company, based
in Cambridge, MA outside of Boston
- 1000+ employees
- $3 billion dollar company-financially solid-no debt
- Mission: Deliver on the promise of mRNA science to create a new generation of medicines for patients
- Area of focus: mRNA technology development and
treatments-a global leader
- mRNA is a set of genetic instructions to create proteins in your body that treat or prevent disease
- Infectious diseases, immuno-oncology, rare diseases, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases
- Partners: Merck, AstraZeneca, Lonza, and many other major pharmaceutical companies who rely on and are moving to mRNA platforms
- Moderna has over 240 worldwide patents
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will NOT be able to utilize the previous consent forms. However, we can gather the information over the phone with responsible parties without having to mail forms out to everyone.
LAST CALL! 😊 If you would like to share your personal appreciation for staff members, please visit our website and click on Santa’s Chimney in the news section of the home page. This is a resident and family-driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year. If you plan on donating, donations must be in by this Friday, December 18th. Thank you for your generosity!!
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
December 15, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/14/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
- COVID CASES: 0-0-0!! Sooo good!! 😊
I could not be happier to say that we are down to 3 remaining residents in COVID isolation and recovering!!! We have completed full facility testing and the results are great! So, what does this mean?
- Assisted Living is COVID free and back to “green” status-meaning no immediate risk consequently, we will soon be allowing residents to again come and go from their rooms and access the facility WITH MANDATORY MASKS. Again, no large gatherings, social distancing, hand washing, and mask wearing. But a HUGE step forward! We are not yet ready for communal dining, but our hope is very soon.
- Living Wisdom Center is also COVID free and operating normally except for full occupancy of dining tables. LWC is also back to “green” status and has been for a while. This is such a positive for our neighbors living with dementia to come and go freely!!!
- Healthcare is back open to the rest of the facility!! Staff may once again come to work normally and move freely through the building! Praise the Lord!
So enormously proud of the entire team…again! Thank you!
Friends, it goes without saying I wish I had more definitive news on vaccines, but the information wheel just keeps turning on details. We do have a few more sound bites which you may be interested in. As mentioned previously, this is information we have TODAY. It could very easily change tomorrow but appears the information from CVS below is solid.
- We have been informed by CVS we will now be receiving the Moderna vaccine for our staff and residents. It is very similar to the Pfizer vaccine. The state has chosen Moderna to enable us to receive the vaccine more expeditiously than the Pfizer vaccine. Both Indiana and Michigan have chosen the Moderna vaccine.
- These two vaccines the are based upon a new model and the information we have is they perform very similarly. It involves getting genetic material into people’s cells so that the cells produce proteins that will trigger an immune reaction. Side effects, efficacy, and all other key elements are comparable.
- The Moderna vaccine will likely receive Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA this week, as early as Thursday, receive the green light for use, and begin shipments as early as next week, with Long Term Care facilities at the top of the list with 1100 facilities set to begin vaccinations. An estimated 6 million doses of the Moderna vaccine will be distributed as early as next week.
- More details to follow as we hear them and pass to you!!
LAST CALL! 😊 If you would like to share your personal appreciation for staff members, please visit our website and click on Santa’s Chimney in the news section of the home page. This is a resident and family-driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year. If you plan on donating, donations must be in by this Friday, December 18th. Thank you for your generosity!!
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:18
December 14, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/13/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
- COVID CASES: 0-0-0!! All I can say is I hope this is at least a small move towards returning to normal. The key is to remain vigilant and keep doing what we’re doing! 😊
Continuing our discussion regarding the upcoming vaccine distribution. Today we will update you on what we know about Hubbard and our vaccination plans to date. Please note that we are providing current available information but again, this is subject to change as details are fluid.
Our current situation as it stands today:
We have been contacted by CVS regarding administering COVID-19 vaccinations here at Hubbard Hill for both staff and residents. Their goal is to complete the process in one day, but most likely 2 days. Staff members will be vaccinated first, followed by residents.
We were given an original date, but once again, this is very fluid and is changing as we speak. It should be soon and as we have mentioned, LTC facilities are a national priority.
Please refer to our recent posting which answers frequently asked questions regarding the CDC and FDA vaccination protocol and general information. We are learning in real-time so we will pass the information on as it becomes available. We want to ensure you are all fully informed and feel comfortable with the entire process, but we are awaiting more information. Any staff questions should be directed to your manager or if a resident or family member, to the nursing staff.
LAST CALL! 😊 If you would like to share your personal appreciation for staff members, please visit our website and click on Santa’s Chimney in the news section of the home page. This is a resident and family-driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year. If you plan on donating, donations must be in by this Friday, December 18th. Thank you for your generosity!!
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18
December 11, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/10/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
- COVID CASES: 0-0-0! What a great way to start the weekend! We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, but 3 days straight…great work team!
Continuing our discussion regarding the upcoming vaccine distribution. Here are some frequently asked questions from the American Medical Directors Association which will further expand your knowledge and comfort. Please note that we are providing current available information but are subject to change as details are fluid at this time.
What are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements for the safety and efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine?
FDA requires 50% efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine (the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are showing 94-95% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 disease during this trial phase). Many other companies are working on a vaccine and we expect that others will be approved by the FDA.
FDA requires 8 weeks of safety data on the COVID-19 vaccine.
How will we know it is safe?
Safety is the most important requirement for the vaccine and is assessed in trials by independent experts. Most adverse side effects occur within 6 weeks of vaccine administration, and the FDA has required 8 weeks of safety monitoring so it can track any side effects.
FDA advises a minimum of 3,000 participants to assess safety. The current phase 3 trials have 30,000 to 50,000 participants. This really demonstrates how safety is a top priority for the FDA and the medical community.
What is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and if the vaccine is approved for an EUA, what does that mean? An EUA is based on the need to use a vaccine quickly to save lives during an urgent health crisis. You may be anxious about the speed with which a vaccine has been approved. While the EUA is a shorter process, no steps are skipped in the safety evaluation process. This approval can still take weeks and the FDA will re-evaluate the numbers and data to ensure that the calculations are correct. The FDA will assess if the vaccine’s known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks.
How long will the vaccine protect us?
It is likely that we will not know the answer to that question when a vaccine is released. That will take more research.
This vaccine may be like the annual flu vaccine, where we may need to have vaccine shots for COVID-19 on a regular basis. More research is needed to know this, and it also depends on whether and how much the virus changes over the coming months to years.
When will we be protected after we get the vaccine?
Even when people receive the vaccine they will not be immediately protected and will need to continue wearing masks, social distancing and practicing frequent hand hygiene.
Currently approved vaccines will require 2 shots, with a few weeks between each shot, and protection will usually occur about 2 weeks after the second shot.
After I have had the second dose of the vaccine and it is 2 weeks after my second shot, do I still have to wear a mask?
Yes. Even though you have received your vaccine, most of the people around you have not. We know the vaccine prevents disease in the vaccinated person, but it still may be possible to transmit the disease to others, until the vaccine is in widespread use.
Wearing a mask, social distancing, and practicing hand hygiene protects those who have not been vaccinated, especially our residents in long-term care.
Who will be able to get the vaccine in a nursing home?
CDC is recommending that nursing home residents and staff be among the first to get the vaccine. Long-term care staff will often be able to get vaccinated before the residents to decrease the risk of exposing the residents to COVID-19. Long-term care staff will include anyone who works in a nursing home, such as those who work in environmental services, not just those who perform direct patient care. This also includes staff who visit the nursing home, including doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, medical directors, lab technicians and consultants. Let me remind you if you would like to share your personal appreciation for staff members that are beyond exhausted, please feel free to visit our website and click on Santa’s Chimney in the news section of the home page. This is a resident and family driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year.
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
December 10, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/09/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 82
- Residents
- COVID CASES: 0-0-0! Now, with two days straight with no positive cases, I will not allow myself to go crazy. But take yet another breath of relief. Wow, does it feel good!
I really had to stop and reflect on two days of breathing room and how we got here. We are reminded (humbly) we are tasked with doing the work with all the resources we have been blessed with, but in the final analysis, our Lord lovingly delivers the result, according to His plan and in His time. How blessed are we that He loves us so unconditionally and has this and it does not rest solely on our shoulders. He has everything-what a sense of peace.
I hope all of you are experiencing these moments of relief as are we. To hear Governor Holcomb say, “Indiana is on fire” is not a message we like hearing and know we can only control what’s right in front of us. The country is in crisis and we feel so blessed to be where we are, for today! We don’t believe the race is finished, but each time we enter and exit “the storm” we learn more, become more adept at dealing with this vicious virus and hopefully keep it at bay. More on vaccines tomorrow. Enjoy your evening, I will. 😊
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
December 9, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/08/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 82
- Residents
- COVID CASES: 0-0-0! Let us say Amen…AGAIN! While we are not out of the woods, and unsure if/when a Thanksgiving jolt may hit us, we can certainly celebrate yet another COVID-FREE day! It is safe to say the more frequently we can see these kinds of Days , the faster we move forward!!
Since today we have the beautiful freedom to NOT discuss today’s cases, I say let’s keep talking about vaccines and the next move forward! Yet another positive step towards freedom!
What we know today is still not a whole lot written in stone, but more than we had a few days ago. We are in the process of solidifying the date(s) we will be administering vaccines to staff and residents with our healthcare partners. As of today, CVS staff members are slated to assist us here at Hubbard. I can say with certainty; this could change tomorrow if the past few weeks are any indicator!! But the good news is we ARE planning and laying down the specifics of the vaccinations. It will be soon, but again, until we get the final word, we will wait to share more details.
Until then, we will continue to provide you valuable educational tools about the COVID-19 vaccine as issued by the CDC. We feel knowledge is power and em-powering. We also want to dispel some myths floating around about the vaccine. I trust you know we would NEVER proceed with anything that was not fully regulatorily vetted by all appropriate oversite and governmental agencies. The vaccine has been successfully launched in the United Kingdom and reports are the citizens are already breathing a small sigh of relief that it has begun!!
Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine (Source: CDC)
We understand that some people may be concerned about getting vaccinated once a COVID-19 vaccine is available in the United States. While these vaccines are being developed as quickly as possible, routine processes and procedures remain in place to ensure the safety of any vaccine that is authorized or approved for use. Safety is a top priority, and there are many reasons to get vaccinated
Below is a summary of the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination based on what we currently know. CDC will continue to update this page as more data become available.
COVID-19 vaccination will help keep you from getting COVID-19
- COVID-19 vaccines are being carefully evaluated in clinical trials and will be authorized or approved only if they make it substantially less likely you’ll get COVID-19.
- Based on what we know about vaccines for other diseases, experts believe that getting a COVID-19 vaccine may help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19.
- Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, particularly people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
- Experts continue to conduct more studies about the effect of COVID-19 vaccination on severity of illness from COVID-19, as well as its ability to keep people from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccination will be a safer way to help build protection
- COVID-19 can have serious, life-threatening complications, and there is no way to know how COVID-19 will affect you. And if you get sick, you could spread the disease to friends, family, and others around you.
- Clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines must first show they are safe and effective before any vaccine can be authorized or approved for use. The known and potential benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine must outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine for use under what is known as an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Watch a video on what an EUA is.
- Getting COVID-19 may offer some natural protection, known as immunity. But experts don’t know how long this protection lasts, and the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweighs any benefits of natural immunity. COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you by creating an antibody response without having to experience sickness.
- Both natural immunity and immunity produced by a vaccine are important aspects of COVID-19 that experts are trying to learn more about, and CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.
COVID-19 vaccination will be an important tool to help stop the pandemic
- Wearing masks and social distancing help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others, but these measures are not enough. Vaccines will work with your immune system so it will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed.
- The combination of getting vaccinated and following CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and others will offer the best protection from COVID-19.
- Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools we have available. As experts learn more about how COVID-19 vaccination may help reduce spread of the disease in communities, CDC will continue to update the recommendations to protect communities using the latest science. “
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7
December 8, 2020
- New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12/07/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 1
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 84
- Residents
We had zero resident COVID-19 positive cases and one staff positive case since our last report. The staff member is quarantined in their home.
Yesterday we launched a new series of Hubbard Connections for our Assisted Living residents! All these staff efforts are designed to remain connected with our residents and keep our residents healthy, happy, and active! Here are the highlights!
- Modified Chair Exercise: Interaction with Enthusiasm! M-F, 9:45 a.m.
- 10-15-minute work out on Hubbard Hill Channel 4
- Words of Encouragement with Chaplain Dave: Mon, Tue, Thurs, and Fri, 10:00 a.m.; Wed 10:15 a.m.
- Inspirational Thought and Prayer for the Day on Hubbard Hill Channel 4
- Cardio Drumming Exercise: 2 -3x weekly, 3:00 p.m.
- Hubbard Hill Channel 4
- Touch Point: Personal Staff One on One Resident Visits: M-F
- 5-10 minutes of personal, eye-to eye contact and communication. Upbeat and Personal!! 😉
Additionally, under the good deeds go unnoticed, our forever friend and beloved Linda Ryder has been calling every resident to chat with them-ensuring they ALL know they are important and loved. THANK YOU, Linda!!
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14
December 7, 2020
- New COVID Activity: Data as of midnight 12/06/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 2
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 1
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 79
- Total resident deaths: 9
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 82
- Residents
- COVID CASES: There were two new residents (A/L) and one staff positive case. The residents are in isolation in the COVID unit and staff member quarantined in their home. There was one resident death who was taken to the hospital following a fall and moved to Hospice House.
I say let’s “start” talking about vaccines because that’s about all we can do today-start the discussion and provide you with as much concrete information we can-which is NOT a lot! If you pay attention to wherever you get your news, you’ll clearly see there are a lot of cooks in this kitchen! So, changes are made to our direction sometimes on the hour!
What I can with certainty is good news! Long term care facilities and our staff are at the top of the vaccine list (in addition to other critical care functions). We have been contacted about our staff protocol. Stop. That’s all we know; they will be vaccinated! We know residents will be vaccinated. Stop.
I know all of you who are decision-makers in this process have received a consent form from our pharmacy, In Touch. Did I know they would be sending it out to you-yes. Did I know they DID send it out to you-NO. As I have mentioned before, we have been working with them for months anticipating the release of this vaccine. They inadvertently sent it out to you a little prematurely and ask your grace and understanding why our staff members may have sounded a little confounded with calls or questions-they didn’t know it went out either. Apologies to you all. But now you have it!
A big question, when? Our best guess is soon but I cannot honestly give you a firm date today. I know many of you have many questions, and so do we!! 😊 We will get them all answered to everyone’s satisfaction as I said, when things are set in stone. I empathize with your hunger for information and wish I had more to give you today, but this is why we are “starting” the discussion!
Having said all of that, I am able to provide you an initial primer on the vaccine from the CDC:
FACT: COVID-19 vaccines will not give you COVID-19
None of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in development in the United States use the live virus that causes COVID-19. There are several different types of vaccines in development. However, the goal for each of them is to teach our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. Sometimes this process can cause symptoms, such as fever. These symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building immunity. Learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work.
It typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. That means it’s possible a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and get sick. This is because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection.
FACT: COVID-19 vaccines will not cause you to test positive on COVID-19 viral tests
Vaccines which have been in clinical trials in the United States won’t cause you to test positive on viral tests, which are used to see if you have a current infection.
If your body develops an immune response, which is the goal of vaccination, there is a possibility you may test positive on some antibody tests. Antibody tests indicate you had a previous infection and that you may have some level of protection against the virus. Experts are currently looking at how COVID-19 vaccination may affect antibody testing results.
FACT: People who have gotten sick with COVID-19 may still benefit from getting vaccinated
Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that re-infection with COVID-19 is possible, people may be advised to get a COVID-19 vaccine even if they have been sick with COVID-19 before. At this time, experts do not know how long someone is protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. The immunity someone gains from having an infection, called natural immunity, varies from person to person. Some early evidence suggests natural immunity may not last very long.
We won’t know how long immunity produced by vaccination lasts until we have a vaccine and more data on how well it works. Both natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity are important aspects of COVID-19 that experts are trying to learn more about, and CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.
FACT: Getting vaccinated can help prevent getting sick with COVID-19
While many people with COVID-19 have only a mild illness, others may get a severe illness or they may even die. There is no way to know how COVID-19 will affect you, even if you are not at increased risk of severe complications. If you get sick, you also may spread the disease to friends, family, and others around you while you are sick. COVID-19 vaccination helps protect you by creating an antibody response without having to experience sickness. Learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13
December 4, 2020
New COVID Activity Data as of midnight 12.03.20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 1
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 1
Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 77
- Total resident deaths: 8
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 82
- There was one new resident (A/L) and one staff positive case from 12/3. The resident is in isolation in the COVID unit and staff member quarantined in their home. Happily, there are no further cases in the Living Wisdom Center and the isolation unit is closed and all households open once again! Well done team!
Since it is Friday evening, like a made-for-TV mystery I am going to bust the mystery wide open! 😉 Sometimes I can only imagine what thoughts run through family’s minds during our lockdown. Thoughts of loved ones sitting alone in their rooms void of human contact, missing their loved ones so much it hurts. Well, no doubt there is sadness in missing loved ones, but You can take comfort in knowing a little more of what’s really going on at Hubbard Hill during this pandemic!
What’s going on are residents having human, face to face contact on average 5 times a day and more often than not- more! What’s going on are nurses who stay well past their shifts decorating residents’ rooms with decorations brought by families. What’s going on are staff who encourage residents to call them if they simply need to talk for a few moments or need to hold their hand. What’s going on are residents sharing with staff and staff giving them a ray of hope with the coming vaccines. What’s going on are daily exercise classes and daily chapel on the Hubbard closed circuit channel.
What’s also going on? Dietary staff members who lovingly delivered Thanksgiving dinner to each of our residents and spent a little side time, not just delivering the meals and leaving. Pictured: fresh Roasted Turkey, turkey gravy, smoked ham with pineapple, sage stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, and butter. For dessert, a variety of homemade pies. Sounds good to me! As a matter of fact, Dietary Director, Jason said the employees were served the exact meal that day as well.
What’s also going on are residents who anticipate and peek out their doors every afternoon for the snack cart filled with all kinds of cookies, candy, snacks, ice cream and other delicacies- and more importantly, that socialization. What’s happening are residents who are grateful for the incredible loving care they are receiving. A letter from one resident who is “thankful for the cooks who go above and beyond with our choices. How much I enjoy seeing their smiling faces when they deliver meals throughout the day. How much they brighten my day.” What’s going on are staff members who get back what they give with the gratification they have made people smile, brought some happiness , improved their quality of life just a little bit that day, and made a positive difference in people’s lives.
So, the mystery is solved. THIS is what’s happening at Hubbard Hill these days! 😊
If you would like to share your personal appreciation, please feel free to make a gift to Santa’s Chimney. That is a resident and family driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year.
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 9:1
December 3, 2020
- New COVID Activity Today: 12/03/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 0
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- Residents
- Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 76
- Total resident deaths: 8
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 81
- Residents
HALLELUIAH!! Can I hear an AMEN?!! I am pleased to announce we have had NO NEW COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours ending midnight last night!! We are so gratified to have a small break and prayerfully hope this continues! Realistically, given what we know about the community outbreak, we know we will not be out of the woods for a while, but we celebrate the moment and give thanks!
Well done team Hubbard!!! I wish I had new words to define the character and commitment of my team. They are simply some of the best!!… of course, I am very biased! I carry this team in my heart and know it takes a village to make this happen! In big and small ways hundreds of unsung heroes minister and care for your loved ones. It’s inspiring to me every day.
Thank you, team. I am proud to work alongside all of you!
If you would like to share your personal appreciation, please feel free make a gift to Santa’s Chimney. That is a resident and family-driven fund to thank our staff for their uncompromising commitment and care over the year.
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 9:1
December 2, 2020
New COVID Activity as of midnight 12/01/20
- Residents
- New resident positive cases: 4
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
- New staff positive cases: 0
•Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began in March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 76
- Total resident deaths: 8
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 81
You may have noticed we have omitted the 14-day data from our report. We are consistent with newly modified ISDH and CDC directives. The data we are reporting is now as of 12:00 a.m. midnight the day of the report. In other words, it captures yesterday’s activity. This enables us to capture and report a complete 24-hour cycle and not a little here and a little there. For our purposes, today’s data and data over the life of the pandemic are the most meaningful and tell the most relevant stories. We want to keep things simple and clear for everyone. We hope this works well for you and meets your information needs.
There are four new resident COVID-19 cases in Assisted Living and 0 new staff confirmed cases today. The new resident cases are in the COVID-19 isolation unit. There are 0 resident deaths. The dedicated isolation unit remains in the Living Wisdom Center.
Sometimes I know I sound like a broken record with guidelines, warnings, and directives. I also know I am not alone in trying to emphasize early and often how deadly contagious this COVID-19 wave is. You have to live on another planet to miss all of the messages being delivered daily on television, print, and even billboards by our colleagues from Beacon Health, the Elkhart County Board of Health, Goshen Hospital, and Elkhart General Hospital. The leadership of these organizations are making repeated and passionate pleas to our community to please be compliant and help us stem this outbreak. This is not political- for our residents, it could be about life and death, which is most definitely not political. As goes the larger community, there goes our fight with covid.
I only had to watch a heart-wrenching news report of a nurse who lost her husband and mother to COVID-19 within 3 days of each other in Missouri… she is devastated…and never thought it would happen to her or her family…
Having said all that, I could not be happier that we have had a sizeable number of positive COVID-19 Healthcare residents return to their rooms after fulfilling the testing protocols ensuring their and other resident’s safety. We have lost 7 residents in this wave, which is telling on to itself. We also have an overwhelming majority of staff members back on the job as well which is good for everyone!! Praise God!
We feel a little better about things at Hubbard but are watching all resident areas very carefully. Assisted Living COVID-19 positive cases cannot be characterized as an outbreak, more “a spread”. But without diligence and the ever-watching eyes of our staff, it could easily become an outbreak. I know keeping our residents in their rooms is difficult for them, but worth it for their long term well being. I hope and pray we continue to progress and may return to “normal” living sooner rather than later. For everyone’s sake.
My goal moving forward is to provide a broader, yet deeper, perspective on what the numbers mean, how we feel about how we are doing, what we see in the future, and any other information which provides you knowledge, and more importantly, peace of mind. We are also returning to daily reporting as we did early in the pandemic Monday through Friday. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s will be a full report with narrative, and Tuesday and Thursdays will be a simpler format with data only. These are guidelines and we will report any time something necessitates real-time reporting.
![Santa's Chimney](
On a lighter note, check out Santa’s Chimney to see the annual giving opportunity organized by our residents and families to honor our staff and their blood, sweat, and tears throughout the year. Ho, Ho, Ho!! 😊
But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also.
2 Corinthians 8:7
December 1, 2020
New COVID Activity Today:
- Residents:
- New resident positive cases: 3
- New resident deaths: 0
- Staff
- New staff positive cases: 0
Past 14 Days Data: 11/17/20-12/01/20
- Residents
- Residents testing positive: 25
- Resident deaths: 3
- Staff
- Staff members testing positive: 16
Totals Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Residents
- Total resident positive cases: 72
- Total resident deaths: 8
- Staff
- Total staff positive cases: 81
We have 25 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. These numbers fluctuate over 14 days as we remove data after the 14th day while adding new current data.
There are three new resident COVID-19 cases in Assisted Living and 0 new staff confirmed cases today. The new resident cases in are the COVID-19 isolation unit. There are 0 resident deaths. There remains a dedicated isolation unit in the Living Wisdom Center.
November 30, 2020
Past 14 days data: 11/16/20-11/30/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 16
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 9
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 3
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 77
- Total resident positive cases: 66
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 8
We have 9 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. These numbers fluctuate over 14 days as we remove data after the 14th day while adding new current data. These 14-day reduction adjustments are made including days when reports are not made.
There are two new resident COVID-19 case and two new staff confirmed cases today. The new resident cases in are the COVID-19 isolation unit. There are 0 resident deaths. There remains a dedicated isolation unit in the Living Wisdom Center.
I hope everyone had a restful, peaceful, and bountiful holiday filled with love and gratitude. This time off was a salve for us, our COVID fatigue, and our worries. While families and caregivers are not present on campus, if you were to here, you would see every Hubbard team member at one time or another sporting our new “Hubbard Strong” sweatshirts! You would feel the spirit of team, commitment, and inner strength that we will prevail with God’s strength and guidance. He is the core of the “strength” we believe in so deeply. We are proud, we are blessed, we ARE Hubbard Strong!
So, one holiday down. Now what? Let me take a moment to share our COVID plan which has been in place and will continue. Let me assure you we connect with your loved ones on a daily, hourly, and moment by moment basis when needed.
Transparency. We strive to be in a proactive-not reactive mode. Every unit is in total lock down until we are 100% certain the COVID cases have been contained, mitigated, and risk has been managed successfully. This is a key component of our approach-no short cuts, no easy way out. To remind you, if your loved one has been symptomatic, or tested positive, you will be contacted IMMEDIATELY. Additionally, if your loved one is suspected of being in contact or indirect proximity to someone who has tested positive-your loved one will be tested, and you will be notified.
Right now, we are on a campus wide watch mode. What does that mean? That means every staff member, from every department which is in contact with residents is charged with observing, and reporting changes in our residents. The nursing staff performs daily assessments on EACH resident including temps, clinical interviews, and observation for symptoms. Our dietary staff knows our residents so very well and they too are on the watch for changes in eating habits, consumption decreases, or loss of smell or taste. Residents in the COVID unit receive multiple assessments per day of greater magnitude.
So how does it happen? How does one person in one hallway contract the virus? In assisted living, it is our best thinking that cases are a result of either a) exposure to a positive resident prior to lockdown; or b) brought in by a staff member. Contact tracing is an art-not a science and exceedingly difficult which is a large part of why containment and isolation is critical. We have completed multiple rounds of resident testing in “ risk” areas and are prepping for other rounds of testing to assure residents have completely recovered.
Given the widespread outbreak in Elkhart County, we are extending the Assisted Living lockdown for two more weeks until 12/14/20. The situation in Elkhart and our immediate surrounding counties is dangerous, to say the least. Our hope is two weeks will allow the anticipated post-holiday spikes to present themselves and we will have a better handle on the scope of the outbreak. I’ve been asked about Christmas, and honestly, until we see what the next two weeks present, it is impossible to say. We will keep you posted. The one thing I can guarantee is if we do not isolate, our situation would be significantly worse as spread would be widespread and not sporadic.
Masks are a political hot potato to be sure. Let me help clear up some myths. As often discussed earlier in the pandemic, Masks primarily protect others from YOU if you are positive. Your mask less effectively protects you from someone who is positive and NOT wearing a mask. Therein lies the problem. Masks help mitigate but do not eliminate the risk. It takes the entire precautionary arsenal: masks, social distancing, washing your hands, keep your hands away from your face. One by itself won’t do it.
Friends, sorry about the length, but felt you needed the nuts and bolts today! 😊 Bright spots are on the horizon with vaccines coming and at least some proactive measures may be put in place to begin to tame this monster. That is our hope and belief. Wouldn’t it be great to say “Happy New Year” and know full well what we are ALL talking about in 2021!! A COVID free world!!
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
November 24, 2020
Past 14 days data: 11/10/20-11/24/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 30
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 14
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 5
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 71
- Total resident positive cases: 60
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 8
We have 14 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. These numbers fluctuate over 14 days as we remove one day’s data after the 14th day while adding new current day data.
There is one new resident COVID-19 case and no new staff confirmed cases today. The new resident case is in the COVID-19 isolation unit. There are 0 resident deaths. There remains a dedicated isolation unit in the Living Wisdom Center.
I want to pause from our frantic and less than normal lives to breathe and wish our residents, our families, friends, caregivers, and staff a blessed, safe, and happy Thanksgiving. I sincerely hope that while this Thanksgiving is not what many of us envisioned or hoped for-it is nevertheless a time when we all may give thanks for our many, many blessings. And they are many.
I am personally thankful for my loving wife who has walked alongside me during these many months. Fewer hours at home, and not receiving the best me when I finally get home. I KNOW this is the case for my staff and their families. I want to thank those families for sacrificing your loved ones to us to provide the care, precautions, containment, diagnoses, leadership, love and faith we have so desperately need to care for our residents. I am eternally grateful to you all, especially those staff members who contracted COVID in the process. I am grateful for the talent, skill, and commitment of the entire Hubbard team. You have all been nothing short of remarkable during the most daunting healthcare challenge in our history.
For all our families. I know this Thanksgiving is not what you had hoped for either. There aren’t words that may appropriately comfort you this Thanksgiving without the faces and hugs of your loved ones. But I want you to know and trust we are pulling out the best to ensure your loved one’s have a worthy and delicious Thanksgiving feast!
I heard one expert suggest it could be easier to let go of these holidays and know things will be better in the coming months. Easy to say-tough to do. But I strongly urge all of you to keep in mind everything we have said and cautioned. The extreme risk of looming outbreaks following the holiday have our attention. Please keep your family celebration to small numbers, try to limit your time in close contact, wear masks when appropriate, keep your distance, and wash your hands. One day of celebration at the expense of your family’s health is large price to pay. My wife & I are new empty nesters this year. We have 5 children and miss them terribly, but we have asked them not to come home this thanksgiving to protect the residents of Hubbard.
We all have so very much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. It is good to take a moment and reflect on the many reasons to give thanks. We have a God who loves and cares for us unconditionally. A God who watches over us, strengthens us, restores us, and keeps us close when times are tough. I hope we are all able to focus on the blessings we have- no matter how difficult. God is with us through these challenging times and soon we will celebrate the birth of Emmanuel -“God with us”.
I am thankful for ALL of you. The best part of this holiday is we get to stop, rest, and realize this is not something that has “happened” to all of us…but merely part of our journey which we have been blessed with the tools and resources to endure.
Many, many, blessings friends, to you, your families and loved ones. May God give you peace that surpasses all understanding this Thanksgiving…all of us.
November 18, 2020
Past 14 days data: 11/04/20-11/18/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 35
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 23
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 7
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 62
- Total resident positive cases: 55
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 8
We have 23 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. These numbers fluctuate over 14 days as we remove one day’s data after the 14th day while adding new current day data.
There is one new resident COVID-19 case and one staff confirmed case from yesterday and today. The new resident case is in Assisted Living. Healthcare and Assisted Living residents testing positive remain in the COVID-19 isolation unit. There are three resident deaths in Healthcare. There remains a dedicated isolation unit in the Living Wisdom Center.
Though we mourn the losses of several beloved residents, we are filled with gratitude for the many positives we have going on! It’s about time! We needed something to celebrate with you!!!
A glimmer of hope… and food!
In the world of hope, we view the fact that 11 Healthcare residents have moved off of the COVID isolation unit and back into their rooms thus far AND 1 was moved today AND we anticipate 11 more residents moving out of isolation tomorrow! Hallelujah!! This certainly gives us hope!
Additionally, several staff members who have previously tested positive are returning to work!! Can I hear another Hallelujah!!
What an extraordinarily challenging ride this has been. And you know what? WE ARE making progress -but not without losses that will be etched in our hearts forever. We take one day at a time.
May I take a moment to reiterate that we have such AMAZING FAMILIES and CAREGIVERS at Hubbard!! I try and acknowledge that fact often, but there are times (many times!) you just amaze me! In this cold, hard world of COVID-19 and everything that goes along with it- you find a way to persevere in hope & faith, and gratitude!
Evidence the responses we have received from our A/L families upon receiving calls about new guidelines, restrictions, changes in routine, and precautions we have had to make to protect our residents. One could have reasonably expected some sad, angry, frustrated, resentful, or heartbroken families.
But no, here is a sample of what we got from our wonderful families: “Every person there is amazing”, Amazing, kudos, over the top, fabulous, stellar-it’s true”, We fully trust everyone at Hubbard Hill to take care of our loved ones”, Thanks so much for calling and being so transparent”, “Thank you for being so caring with my Dad”, “We really appreciate you taking the time to call”, “Thanks for keeping my mom safe and doing the extra precautions”, “We have friends who have parents that are at other places…Hubbard Hill is the best”, “We are so grateful”, “We trust you and know you are doing your best”, “We are praying for the whole campus”, and more…
Folks, your comments & sentiments mean the world to us. For months now, beginning at Easter this team of pros has been on high alert, performed herculean tasks to save lives, placed their own lives at risk, and kept their focus even in the darkest hours. Thank you doesn’t even begin to express our gratitude for your kind words, support, and prayers. You simply are THE BEST. We are humbled.
And now, let me talk to you about how proud I am of our extraordinary, committed, creative, and talented dietary team. We talk a lot about our nursing staff, but let me tell you, Jason and Jon have courageously led their team through this journey, asked to turn on a dime many times, and always, always, delivered. But this time, they have hit it out of the park! We all know how important good, creative, hot, options, and consistency of the food is in NORMAL times! This team has strong ties and relationships with our residents and nothing, but the best would do for them!
Let me share with you what our residents in A/L are receiving while isolated in their apartments until November 30th!! Our team really wanted to bring some Ritz Carlton room service to make this time more enjoyable in a meaningful way! Hot meals served in-room — with choices for your meals — not a fixed menu! Daily hot meal alternatives, a soup cart, breakfast options, lunch options: hot and cold; deli sandwiches, subs, wraps, salad of the day (such as BLT pasta salad!) dessert options, and a snack cart which roams the hallways every day at 1:30pm where residents may choose from chips, ice cream cups, snacks, cookies, candy, and other goodies to carry them through to dinner! Thanks, team—well done!
Here is a sample of some of what was on the menu this evening (And oh by the way, I had some-DELICIOUS!)
November 16, 2020
Past 14 days data: 11/02/20-11/16/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 34
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 31
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 4
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 61
- Total resident positive cases: 54
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 5
We have 31 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. These numbers fluctuate over 14 days as we remove one day’s data after the 14th day while adding new current day data.
There are 8 new confirmed resident COVID-19 cases and 6 staff confirmed cases Saturday through today. Three new resident cases are in Assisted Living. There are five new Healthcare resident cases. They, along with Healthcare and Assisted Living residents testing positive, remain in the COVID-19 isolation unit. There is one resident death in Healthcare which is yet another resident who was under Hospice care prior to COVID diagnosis. There remains a dedicated isolation unit in the Living Wisdom Center.
Needle in a haystack. A 2000-piece puzzle. A crossword puzzle. An unseen Leak in a boat. All challenges for the mind to figure out. For us, the source of spread in our facility? We just completed yet another Indiana State Department of Health Infection Control Survey, which for the record, is TOUGH. And once again, we come away with a Zero Deficiency Survey. So, where is the problem? We have spent endless hours with the state’s assistance trying new things, new solutions, applying new measures, reviewing protocols, tracing positive cases and it is like a needle in a haystack. But we keep digging. And we will never cease. That is our commitment to you.
What we know to be true from our colleagues at the ISDH, is this wave of COVID-19 is infinitely more contagious, is airborne and hangs in the air longer producing another way of contracting COVID and all of the other things we knew about the first wave. So, we are even more cautious, more rigorous in our methods, and vigorously protective of our residents and staff. And we continue.
The bright spot today in this horrendous COVID-19 wave is we are now beginning to slowly and cautiously move recovered residents who have weathered the storm back to their rooms as the quarantine period has been satisfied for some residents. Also, our staff members who were positive are now slowly returning to work after fulfilling their conditional return to work. And for these small blessings, we truly thank God.
I don’t know how much more impactful information I can provide except that over 160,000 cases PER DAY in this country is something that makes me seriously scratch my head. In Indiana, one out of five positive cases is age 20-29-the largest segment. How can we more effectively communicate the severity of this latest COVID-19 wave? Maybe if each one of us tells one person and that person tells a person. Hmmm, the telephone game-it has worked for years!
Our team is doing a great job holding each other up. That is who we are. Holding each other up comes easier to us because we all have His loving arms holding us up. How great is that? We focus on those things we can try and control, beyond that, we take comfort in knowing He not only has our trials and tribulations, but the world’s. Whew. What a relief.
I’m going to ask you once again to pray for our staff, our residents, our families, and all the healthcare care heroes across our great nation. Even in the face of these growing trends, we remain steadfast in our faith and we will persevere with God’s loving hand holding ours.
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.”
— A.A. Milne
November 13, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/30/20-11/13/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 30
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 24
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 3
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 55
- Total resident positive cases: 46
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 4
We have now 24 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. These numbers fluctuate over 14 days as we remove one day’s data after the 14th day while adding new current day data.
There are two new confirmed resident COVID-19 case and 12 staff confirmed cases today. This data was reported over two days as new data comes in over night after our daily posting. The two new resident cases are in the Living Wisdom Center. There are no new Healthcare resident cases. There is one death in Healthcare which is again a resident who was under Hospice care prior to COVID diagnosis. It is believed the LWC residents were in contact with the previously reported staff member who was working in their household. They are in isolation.
General Information Updates
Regarding protocol for the two staff members testing positive yesterday, one in A/L and one in LWC, respectively. Again, in an abundance of caution, the following actions are in place.
A/L: We are contact tracing all residents with interaction with the positive staff member and are testing those individuals as a precautionary measure. All A/L staff members are being test as well
LWC: We are testing all residents in the two households where the positive staff member was working as a precautionary measure. All LWC staff members are being tested as well.
These precautionary measures are completed and resulted in the two LWC positive resident results.
Suffice to say we are in an all-out war with this outbreak We’ve had an extremely challenging week and I have an exhausted staff. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. Prevention, mitigation, and containment are equally daunting and require multiple hats to effectively perform this level of care. It’s TGIF for most people, but not for my staff-it continues 24/7 until we are 100% satisfied it has been contained. And even then, the critical care goes on until every resident successfully pulls through their own unique COVID-19 case.
Please know that the families of our residents are always on our minds and hearts and we know the concern you have for your loved ones at Hubbard. I wish you could all see the beautiful acts of love from the Hubbard team as they go about their work serving your loved one.
I don’t know how much more impactful information I can provide except that over 130,000 cases PER DAY in our country is frightening for us all! Many more people are going to succumb to this virus as it spreads like wildfire around us. Containing it is the absolute laser focus of every member of our team.
Please pray for our staff, our residents, our families, and all the healthcare care heroes across our great nation. Even in the face of these growing trends, we remain steadfast in our faith and we will persevere with God’s loving hand holding ours.
That’s all. Have a great weekend and please, please be careful.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
November 12, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/28/20-11/11/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 18
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 29
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 2
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 43
- Total resident positive cases: 44
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 3
We have now 29 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. Also, what is required by the CDC relative to reporting.
There is one new confirmed resident COVID-19 case and two staff confirmed cases today. All cases were positive and from the Healthcare Unit.
There continues to be no other Hubbard Hill residents testing positive. It remains contained in the Healthcare unit. All positive residents remain isolated in the COVID isolation unit.
General Information Updates
Regarding protocol for the two staff members testing positive yesterday, one in A/L and one in LWC, respectively. Again, in an abundance of caution, the following actions are in place.
- Assisted Living: We are contact tracing all residents with interaction with the positive staff member and are testing those individuals as a precautionary measure. All Assisted Living staff members are being tested as well.
- Living Wisdom Center: We are testing all residents in the two households where the positive staff member was working as a precautionary measure. All LWC staff members are being tested as well. Once again, we are taking these precautionary measures/testing to ensure the safety of our residents.
Effective tomorrow (11/12) we will be suspending communal dining in Assisted Living, In-room dining will be in effect until such time we deem the outbreak in Healthcare has been contained. We are not waiting for a potential problem to arise to react-we always want to anticipate and protect against any potential spread. All communal activities in A/L are also suspended during this period. However, residents may continue to move freely throughout the unit but MUST WEAR MASKS outside of their room and maintain SOCIAL DISTANCING. No resident group gatherings are permitted.
During this time, we will be utilizing the in-house Hubbard Hill channel extensively! Our Wellness team is putting together a variety of exercises, crafts, and entertainment to engage residents right from their rooms! There will be dance lessons, singing, shared movies, and many other activities to keep everyone engaged! Rumor has it there may even be a guest performance by our guitar playing, singing CEO, Patrick Pingel! Stay tuned! THAT should be worth the price of admission!
All in-person visitation has been suspended at this time. We are working on a plan for Assisted Living and potentially Living Wisdom Center to facilitate “at window” visits in the near term for those interested. Details will be forthcoming very shortly. Skype and Zoom calls are still available as well.
I think it is clear but allow me to reiterate our position during this crisis. We are taking every single precaution available to us to protect our residents until we get our arms around this outbreak in Healthcare. We take these precautionary measures so we may restore normal operations, visitation, dining, and group activities as quickly as possible.
I want to help everyone understand this virus does not spread in an additive way (e.g. 1+1+1=3). it spreads exponentially once one case is detected and spreads (e.g. 1 becomes 2 becomes 4 becomes 16, etc. etc.) That may help you understand how it can happen so quickly and what makes it so dangerous. Containment and mitigation are a must to stop the spread. We feel all protocols are in play and pray for the light at the end of the tunnel soon!
Allow me to venture into the future for a moment. I’m sure you have heard a wide array of reports of varying accuracy regarding a COVID-19 vaccine. We have been notified by the CDC that Long Term Care facilities such as Hubbard are first in line in the distribution of a vaccine. We know as much as you do about timing, but as best we can tell today, it could be as early as December when it becomes available. The vaccine developed by Pfizer looks to be the most promising, safe, and effective at this time. But these things can change quickly. We will keep you posted.
We are blessed to have a wonderful vendor partner with InTouch Pharmaceuticals as our institutional healthcare provider of medications. They are not a retail pharmacy but a specialist institutional provider of medications to the geriatric community. Their standards are infinitesimally higher than retail pharmacies with specific packaging and delivery systems. The regulatory standards for them are extremely rigorous. At such time the vaccine is made available, the InTouch team will join us to administer the vaccine. This is something we have been working on for months in anticipation of the vaccine. Great news!
I know we have thanked families, caregivers, friends, and everyone who has a loved one here at Hubbard many times over these months. But it’s time to do it again-in fact, it’s overdue.
Words cannot convey our deepest appreciation for your love, support, understanding, flexibility, patience, concern, faith, prayers, and embracing what has to be one of the most daunting and painful challenges and set of circumstances a family can possibly endure. We have our own cross to bear in this crisis, but never, ever forget we know you are carrying your own. We think of you, love you, and pray for you daily in hopes we may make the call to you in the coming months to COME ON IN!, doors open!! It will happen and we are doing everything we can to expedite that red-letter day you so richly deserve.
Thank you, folks…we could not do this without you…and our beloved God the Father.
November 11, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/26/20-11/10/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 17
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 28
- Resident deaths as of this posting:
- New resident deaths: 2
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 41
- Total resident positive cases: 43
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 3
We have now 28 resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. Also, what is required by the CDC relative to reporting.
There are no new confirmed resident COVID-19 cases and 6 staff confirmed cases today. 4 of the confirmed staff cases were in Healthcare, 1 staff case in Assisted Living, and 1 staff case in the Living Wisdom Center. Both staff members from A/L and LWC were not in contact with the Healthcare Unit and appears it was contracted from outside sources in both cases.
There are no other residents or other Hubbard Hill residents testing positive. Resident cases remain contained to the Healthcare unit. All positive residents remain isolated.
In the world of glass half full/half empty or silver linings…we search each day. And there are positives. In the middle of the storm, it can be hard to take a step back and to see them. But it’s worth it. No new resident cases today being one.
As mentioned previously, the ISDH categorizes COVID incidence as red, yellow, or green zones. Obviously, our COVID unit & Healthcare Unit is a red zone with positive active COVID. Today, we see signs of residents beginning the recovery process. However, each time we receive a staff positive, we know we are still experiencing the fallout of the wave which has befallen us. People contract, present symptoms, experience the virus and recover very differently. Moving targets. But our staff is well equipped and trained to observe and respond accordingly to every unique case. Glass half full.
Glass half full, maybe ¾ full, we have multiple rapid testing machines on campus enabling LWC and Healthcare and AL to test in real time. If we receive a positive rapid test, we then perform a PCR exam and send it off to the lab for verification. So, we have a two-step process.
Silver lining. Our incredible dietary staff has been listening, learning, and leading. They have done an incredible job since COVID first arrived at Hubbard on Easter Sunday. Now, after multiple meals and resident interactions, they know our residents, their likes, preferences, and cravings and are ready to provide quality in-room dining should we need to suspend communal dining in AL. Well done team!
While technically speaking A/L and LWC are green zones, in an abundance of caution -we are treating them as yellow zones to mitigate any potential risk and protect the health and safety of our residents.
We are leaving no stone unturned for safety while balancing quality of life.
So, we remain focused, vigilant, and prayerful each day. And each day, God does indeed provide a glass half full or a silver lining. He’s just that way.
a thought of encouragement for us all as we press on…..
Whatever it is that must be met, you are to either overcome it or use it. Nothing should daunt you for long, nor should any difficulty entirely overcome or conquer you.
God’s grace & strength will always be there, waiting for you to use it. Nothing can be too great to be overcome, or if not overcome, then used to increase your Love of God and one another.
November 9, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/26/20-11/9/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 13
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 29
- Other: 1 (volunteer)
- Resident deaths as of this posting
- New resident deaths: 2
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 35
- Total resident positive cases: 43
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total resident deaths: 3
We now report 29 positive resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. Also, what is required by the CDC relative to reporting.
There are 14 new confirmed resident COVID-19 cases and 5 staff confirmed cases today in the Healthcare Unit. We are reporting 2 confirmed deaths in the Healthcare Unit. There are no other residents or other Hubbard Hill residents testing positive. It is remains contained to the Healthcare unit. All positive residents are isolated in the COVID isolation unit.
Insidious (adjective): an insidious enemy. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way, but actually with a grave or deadly effect: an insidious disease.
We have heard that word for the past 8-9 months in various settings and its meaning has now hit us hard.
That sums it up. We are dealing with an insidious virus in our country today. More importantly, here at Hubbard at an alarming and now devastating way with 2 deaths now reported. We are saddened and devastated beyond words at the loss of two of our residents. Both residents contracted COVID-19 while receiving Hospice services prior to contracting the virus. This illustrates with absolute clarity how vulnerable our valued seniors are. Two loved ones and valued residents have left us, and their families are in our heartfelt prayers. That’s all that matters.
14 new resident cases, 5 staff cases-insidious. We believe COVID-19 came upon Healthcare in a wave that was monumental. Given the communal nature of the Healthcare wing, the spread was very difficult to contain even with great vigilance from our staff. By all measures, including the Indiana State Department of Health’s frequent surveys, we have been compliant…as humanly possible. This virus attacks. Period.
We have promised you transparency and here we are. This is bad, I’m not going to sugar coat it. Our goal has been and remains to contain and mitigate the virus within the Healthcare Unit. We believe that is fully possible. To clarify, a virus “spread” is more easily contained, an “outbreak” is broader and less controllable. ISDH categorizes COVID-19 incidence as “code yellow” or “code red”. Code yellow means a potential or high risk of exposure. Code red means the presence of active COVID-19 virus-which is where we are. In this case, each staff member is equipped with enough PPE’s to wear with each individual resident. In other words, a completely new PPE for each resident for each staff per each shift. This is one of the many precautions we take.
Honestly, I never imagined I would be writing a report such as this after remaining COVID-free for so many months. I have a staff who is devasted, blaming themselves when they believed with every fiber of their being, they have been compliant. And here at Hubbard, we are all so careful! Walk out the door and all bets are off- for ALL of us, including you, our wonderful families, and friends. Please use extraordinary caution when you are out and try and minimize your exposure to others.
Which, of course, always brings us back to what is happening around us. Elkhart County has increased positivity by 2.6 percentage points since we reported on the 5th to 14.7%!!! That means 14.7% of Elkhart County is testing positive for COVID-19 today! 325 new cases, 1 new death. The population of Elkhart is 53,043- do the math. There have been 12,449 cases in Elkhart County since COVID-19 arrived. These are serious numbers folks, and there is no sign of decline. Which is why we double down on our precautions.
At the moment, we are continuing communal dining in Assisted Living with sneeze guards and two seats to further spread residents out, but our ability to continue is contingent upon Healthcare mitigation and containment. NO Healthcare staff members are allowed to cross to other units. They enter and exit from Healthcare entrances. No other service line workers are allowed in Healthcare.
I can only empathize with the disciple Peter:
…Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
Yes, He is. And God the Father is in our storm right beside us and feels our sorrow, our fear, and our pain. But we must get out of the boat and walk with Him. I have faith and know you do too. Peace and God’s grace be with you all. He will endure and this too shall pass. We lean in and walk arm in arm together.
November 5, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/21/20-11/5/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 8
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 18
- Other: 1
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 30
- Total resident positive cases: 32
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total deaths: 1
We are holding at 18 positive resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. Also, what is required by the CDC relative to reporting.
There are 3 new confirmed staff COVID-19 cases today in the Healthcare Unit. There are no other residents or other Hubbard Hill residents testing positive. It is remains contained to the Healthcare unit. All positive residents remain in the COVID isolation unit.
Let me start by saying I am by no means underestimating the impact of 3 positive staff members today, which also pains us greatly. These professionals put their health and safety on the line each and every day, with their laser focus on the health and well-being of our residents and the containment of COVID-19, thinking and rethinking new methods and means of containment. But I must breathe a sigh of relief as we have had two successive days with no positive resident testing. Our staff who have tested positive can experience feelings of shame or failure. This is unwarranted! Our staff are courageous and I want everyone to know we are so grateful for their uncompromising service and want them to rest, recover and return!
Our challenge from day one was containment, containment, containment. We constantly look to close every possible window for virus spread. Our residents are largely not presenting serious symptoms and pray that continues. It is certainly easier to take the “woe is us” road-but would be a breach of our faith and confidence in our God.
You may or may not have heard that Governor Holcomb has dispatched the National Guard across the state to help mitigate what he realizes is a looming statewide outbreak. When at first, we learned of their pending arrival, many envisioned uniformed soldiers ready for battle.
Certainly NOT the case. We have had 3 Guardsmen here since Monday. Their mission is clear, “to provide staffing and infection control resources to support skilled nursing facilities in their care of residents.” What a blessing. They have been ready and willing (NOT in uniform ) to do whatever we need and fill whatever gaps we may have. They are trained to assist with data entry and testing support, visitor and staff screening, facilitation of family visitations, cleaning and disinfecting, PPE stocking and tracking, and other duties where we are thin with resources.
This is yet another gratitude moment as their presence reminds us, we are not in this alone. 3 people may not sound like a lot, but they also bring moral support and comradery. So, we thank Governor Holcomb for this unplanned, but appreciated assistance during this next COVID-19 wave.
So, friends, in the face of what we viewed initially as a disappointing and heart-wrenching series of events, God is present again, gently guiding us through our journey. And for that, we are truly blessed.
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
1 Peter 5:10
November 3, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/19/20-11/3/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 5
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 18
- Other: 1
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 27
- Total resident positive cases: 32
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total deaths: 1
We are reporting 18 positive resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. Also, what is required by the CDC relative to reporting.
There are 9 new confirmed resident COVID-19 cases today in the Healthcare Unit. There are no other staff or other Hubbard Hill residents testing positive. It is remains contained to the Healthcare unit. All positive residents have been moved to the COVID isolation unit.
Devastatingly sad and critical news of 9 more Healthcare residents testing positive today. This may now be characterized as a COVID-19 outbreak in the Healthcare unit. Friends, this is a textbook example of how quickly one case turns into 18. What can happen when the door opens a crack, impacts just one resident, and the consequences of close intimate prolonged indoor contact resulting in an outbreak. It is not any more complicated than that. This population was particularly vulnerable due to their preexisting conditions which brought them to Healthcare.
As a result, we immediately expanded the COVID-19 isolation unit to accommodate 18 residents. We have added layers of protection as we did in the Living Wisdom Center earlier in the year. We have installed double doors outside the isolation area, so two sets of doors stand between the isolation unit and rest of the Healthcare Unit. We have acquired an additional set of double doors should a need arise.
The dedicated COVID-19 staff enter the isolation unit directly from the outside after they have gowned up with PPE’s before entering. Additionally, we are fogging the entire isolation unit and Healthcare Unit twice daily on top of our normal sanitation protocol designed to kill the COVID virus.
To further protect all Healthcare residents, staff, and the entire Hubbard campus, the HC staff is restricted to the Healthcare unit and may NOT travel outside of Healthcare for breaks, meals, restroom visits, and the like. Bistro food deliveries are made upon request to the team.
Any additional new positive Healthcare residents and anyone directly impacted necessitate an immediate call to the responsible party by a staff member. Any change of condition involving any resident necessitates a call to the family. All other communication will be made via this report on our website.
Assisted Living outdoor visitation is now being conducted in our Hubbard Hill buses and is working well for both residents and families. There is NO indoor visitation for HC/AL families currently.
Again, there is no immediate risk to Assisted Living or Living Wisdom Center residents.
We started testing everyone twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. We do this to ensure full containment and mitigation to avoid an all-out spread.
As stated previously, all Healthcare residents testing positive are now in our isolation unit with a dedicated COVID-19 staff for a minimum of 14 days. NO Healthcare staff members are crossing over to any other Hubbard Hill living area and there are NO visits from Assisted Living. All Healthcare residents are in isolation as this is considered a code yellow situation by the Indiana State Department of Health. Doors are secured, in-room dining only, full PPE gear worn by all staff with direct care responsibilities.
Healthcare family visitation (indoor/outdoor) has been cancelled for a minimum of 2 weeks. There will be NO appointments outside of Hubbard Hill or ancillary on-site services. The unit is on complete lockdown.
We respectfully ask families of those impacted to curtail their calls to the unit as much as possible to enable our staff to provide the care so critically needed by your loved ones. You have our unqualified commitment to notify you in real time if there is any change in condition. You will receive a direct phone call from our nursing staff.
Beautician services are suspended for all residents until we have determined the virus is fully contained and mitigated. We are currently exercising extreme caution with all other Assisted Living activities and will communicate any changes if warranted.
Folks, there is not much more I can say at this time. This is utterly deflating as we have worked relentlessly, constantly assessed protocols and taken every required precaution, yet here we are. One week ago today we had our first positive case. One week later here we are with 18. This is a serious COVID-19 wave we are all experiencing and I urge you to be cautious, mitigate risk, adhere to guidelines, and like I said on October 30th, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Hubbard has been one of the safest places to be as evidenced by our recent ISDH Infection Control Survey with no deficiencies-but it still happened.
Today, the Elkhart County positivity rate has now increased to 12.1. Today, there are 243 new cases and 4 new deaths in Elkhart County. Numbers may or may not impact you or cause you concern. Sometimes you hear them so much all you can hear is blah blah blah. I get it. But it is our responsibility and charge to educate and make aware. But honestly, right now, the number I care most about is 18. We ARE IN the challenging 6-10 weeks we published. Holidays are just another opportunity for a spike, and I urge you to plan carefully, we don’t want to see any of our families experience an outbreak in their families.
God our Father, you know we are in a critical and frightening situation. We know you are heartbroken for residents who are ill and their families. We ask your healing hands to touch our residents and the wisdom to keep us safe. We thank you Lord for the blessings of the equipment and support we need to fight this battle. With your loving arms tightly around us we know you are always present and believe you will prevail. In your beloved Son’s name, Jesus Christ, Amen
November 2, 2020
Past 14 days data: 10/19/20-11/2/20
- Staff positive cases as of this posting:
- New staff members testing positive: 5
- Resident positive cases as of this posting:
- New residents testing positive: 9
- Other: 1
Total Positive Cases/Deaths Since Covid-19 Reporting Began: March 2020
- Total staff positive cases: 27
- Total resident positive cases: 23
- Total Other cases: 1
- Total deaths: 1
We are reporting 9 positive resident cases over the past 14 days followed by the aggregate total of positive cases since we began reporting in March. These are the figures of most interest as it reflects where we have been and where we are. Also, what is required by the CDC relative to reporting.
There are 4 new confirmed COVID-19 cases today. One confirmed new positive resident COVID-19 case today. There are 2 positive staff cases and all cases are contained to Healthcare. Additionally, there was one outside consultant who also tested positive. There are no other staff or other Hubbard Hill residents testing positive. It is remains contained to the Healthcare unit. All positive staff are quarantined in their homes and the positive resident has been moved to the COVID isolation unit.
FOR TODAY (Repeated in part for those who have not seen)
Our rapid response team has activated in the same manner as the Living Wisdom Center team successfully did early in the COVID-19 spread. After receiving one positive test result, all Healthcare residents and staff have been tested. Aside from what we reported above, all other staff & residents were negative. Moving forward, we plan on testing everyone twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. We do this to ensure full containment and mitigation to avoid an all-out spread.
All Healthcare residents testing positive are now in our isolation unit with a dedicated COVID-19 staff for a minimum of 14 days. NO Healthcare staff members are crossing over to any other Hubbard Hill living area and there are NO visits from Assisted Living. We have expanded our COVID isolation unit capacity to accommodate these residents. All Healthcare residents are in isolation as this is considered a code yellow situation by the Indiana State Department of Health. Doors are secured, in-room dining only, full PPE gear worn by all staff with direct care responsibilities.
Healthcare family visitation (indoor/outdoor) has been canceled for a minimum of 2 weeks. There will be NO appointments outside of Hubbard Hill or ancillary on-site services. The unit is on complete lockdown.
We respectfully ask families of those impacted to curtail their calls to the unit as much as possible to enable our staff to provide the care so critically needed by your loved ones. You have our unqualified commitment to notify you in real-time if there is any change in condition. You will receive a direct phone call from our nursing staff.
Should we identify any additional new cases, they will be reflected on our website within 24 hours and those directly impacted will be notified.
There is no immediate risk to Assisted Living residents. Communal dining will continue as of today as we monitor virus containment. It will continue unless we identify any imminent risk to residents.
Beautician services are suspended for all residents until we have determined the virus is fully contained and mitigated. We are currently exercising extreme caution with all other Assisted Living activities and will communicate any changes if warranted.
There will be no indoor visitation at this time In AL or HC. We are currently reinventing outdoor visitation approaches utilizing our buses. We will be providing details as this experiment continues this week.
FROM MY SEAT (Repeated for those who have not read)
Friends, it goes without saying how devasted we are to see COVID-19 at our doorstep once again. You may ask how did this happen? We were successful for over 3 months? As we shared just 3 days ago, we are entering a profoundly serious COVID-19 wave. And here we are. Last Friday was the largest single day of positive COVID cases nationally at 83,757. The largest single day since the onset of the virus. That was followed Saturday by an equally high 83,718 cases, and yesterday a one-day record of over 90,000 cases, now the record. Let me reiterate, these trends are expected to continue. 42 states are now reporting increasing positivity levels of COVID-19, Indiana being one.
Today, Elkhart County has experienced over 10,505 COVID-19 cases. St. Joseph county has experienced 10787 cases. This is important as this virus knows no county lines. St. Joseph and Elkhart counties are transient, and populations migrate in and out frequently. Elkhart County schools also have one of the highest COVID-19 incidences in the state.
We believe we are in for a challenging 6-10 weeks, all contingent upon the community’s compliance with directives. Everyone knows WHAT TO DO to mitigate this virus! These positive cases illustrate why Hubbard must always lag behind the general population and exercise extreme caution in lifting restrictions. The virus spreads rapidly with close intimate prolonged contact (especially indoors). So, as much as continued separation from loved ones pains us, mitigating the spread must be our utmost concern. PLEASE join us in remaining vigilant and compliant in everything you do!
Folks, we have 230+ employees who leave this facility every day-just like you. They go home from work to their families, spouses who work, kids who come home from school, and go about their daily lives. They leave an environment which just received a clean, NO deficiency ISDH Infection Control Survey yesterday in our Healthcare Unit. No citations-no lapses. So, we must humble ourselves to realize life happens outside the Hubbard Hill campus. Our staff knows protocol. So, we move forward. Just like you. This virus is insidious.
May God watch over us and keep everyone safe as this challenge has now arrived. We believe He knows our concerns and fears and will hold us close during what we hope will be the last visit of the COVID-19 virus. Our team withstood the first test and stands ready for this one. May God bless and keep you and your families during this time
We are proud and excited to announce we have successfully launched what is an ongoing series of podcast episodes that are intended to inform, inspire, entertain, motivate, educate, and provide hope! This is the next step in our community outreach, not to replace these posts, but to provide another easily accessible platform to be in relationship with our community, families, and residents.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His guidance. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.
Amen and amen to this in our challenging times. Wear your mask-wash your hands-social distancing.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
Proverbs 17:22